Customers reviews
“Folium PX is my go to supplement for all patients undergo MRI scans with contrast, PET/CT scans and other procedures that require radiation exposure.”

Dr. Juergen G Winkler, MD, IBIHM
Quantum Functional Medicine Integrative Cancer And Medical Treatment Center. Carlsbad, CA
“I have used Folium PX as a detox on a number of occasions. Hair analysis has shown that before taking Folium pX, my toxic levels of heavy metals were well above the reference range levels. After taking Folium pX, they are considerably below the normal levels of before taking it.”

Eve martinez
Tarzana, CA
very powerful, yet completely natural antioxidant. it works very effectively to eliminate harmful toxins in the body.. i took because i was worried at the mercury in my teeth and gums and it chased out the dull ache in my gums. it also helped my grandson's glucose level and even the after-effects of a hangover. it is expensive but i think it is the most powerful antioxidant that i have ever taken. you are supposed to take four weeks and then have a four week break so that helps it go further.

Dr. Danielle
Meadowview Drive, Cabin John, Maryland
I love this product, I took 3 capsules and it cleaned me out right away. I tested high in Uranium on a hair test and I'm looking forward to seeing my next results. I saw the test results of other clients and I'm convinced that this works. I hope you give this a try!

Mitchell Meana
Green Street, Nashville, Tennessee
“It’s amazing just how effective Folium pX is. After every use, within 20 minutes, it stops most of my acute symptoms, including arterial pain, severe shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, and many more, additionally very serious issues. Based on medical tests, these symptoms are the result of several metals (aluminum and Cesium 134 and 137, namely). It is one of the few key factors in my survival from extreme toxic overload. I will continue to buy and use Folium PX over the remainder of my life to ensure ever-improving health and longevity.”

Lisa W.
Los Angeles, California
“Aluminum is the preservative. I am not a Dr.! Aluminum goes through the brain barrier. My daughter had Aluminum in her brain. She can’t remember 4.5 years of her life. Many other details would take a lot to explain. We found a product Folium pX imported from Soviet Union they use for Chernobyl heavy metal poisoning. In 6 months, she began to recover. There is a whole process to heal. Chloe is doing very well.”

Joan H.
Columbia Boulevard